Ha, NATO is once again manufacturing public fear against Russia. Just like they orchestrated the PSYOP "Russian" submarine hysteria in Sweden during the late '80s. (probably to undermine Olaf Palme's "aggressive" neutrality, meaning his not being totally subservient to the US' s best interests and lining up the MIC's massive profits)
Ola Tunander attributes the majority of these submarine "incursions" to be of NATO origin...
So the US/NATO are back at their old Cold-War tricks again.
Only idiots don't learn from history. High time Europe leaves NATO and looks East because that is where her future lies. In a Eurasian federation.
The American government (run by the MIC) is not our friend. The famous French General De Gaulle knew this and acted upon it: the wise man kept France out of NATO. So the US, like they always do, even helped to try kill him for it. Some suspect they did the same to Palme, only they succeeded this time.
And why is nobody demanding the truth on Nord Stream?.... Why, most probably because that too was "our best friend" the US, again acting on their own best interests, certainly not ours.