Google "el Nino la Nina cycle".
The only real problem I see is that we are so used to the idea of a 100% make-able and controllable world that we have forgotten Nature's no.1 rule: invest in resilience.
Neo-liberalistic moral we have let govern our world is all about quick wins and geared towards hit-and-run hyper-efficiency. The Loire is a perfect and sad example: far and far too much monoculture-tilled earth farming along its river course. Extracting, evaporating and spilling vast amounts of water instead of retaining its life-supporting water in the land as regenerative farming does.
The best way to help is to really understand what you put in your mouth...every single day, day in and day out. That is where the real change starts.
And yes, that's tough because it means we can make better choices now, or face our hypocrisy in the mirror continuously. The hard truth is you are what you eat. Not climate change, but food hypocrisy is the textbook psychology avoidance behaviour, the denial, you write about.
So please look at what's on your plate today, if you don't know where it really comes from and at what hidden costs, well that's where your personal journey starts.