Forget it, we're already back. I was 15 in 1980 and as most intellectual kids back then we quickly learnt to recognise censorship in all its forms. To read between the lines, to notice what you are not being shown, know double speak when you see and hear it (like the word "unprovoked"). Basically, trust nothing unless you could find some other independent sources to corroborate it.
Believe me: we are now living smack bang in the middle of a massive new cold war. Seeing the vast amounts of information outlets available today, I would have expected the public to be better informed. Strangely we, in the '80, were far more aware than the kids today. Perhaps it's the overkill that has led them to prioritise distraction and the comfort of the enclosure of their own tight bubble.
I hated every single minute my youth spent in the cold war. But somehow I feel more sorry for today's youth's total ignorance because what I'm seeing the censorship in the West now is worse than during ours. It has professionalised into all right cognitive warfare (against us !!!) and now covers the whole gamma of science-based behavioural manipulations. Today's kids will never know what hit them. At least we had some sense of reality.