First of all, congrats with your well researched text.
Gustavo Wiering’s point is off course correct on a societal level. We as humans have become more and more inter-dependant. The more we (subconsciously) realise it, the stronger our yearning becomes to break free, to become “self reliant”, to be able to feel our inner-self without the defining pressure that surrounds us.
Our societal system of far reaching collaboration has freed us from our biological limitations (as Yuval Noah Harari points out in his book Sapiens). But emotionally we are still rigged as primates. We yearn for bonding with our small tribal family. Our bodies are still tuned into the rhythm cycles of nature. So yes, we feel the rift of living in concrete, treeless, cities lit by artificial lights.
But Gustavo Wiering forgets one important point….you are 15. Youngsters are rigged to take risks, challenge the status quo, experiment and carve out new roads for society. That’s the only way any society can mutate, evolve and not run into a dead end. Hence the stronger need to cut bonds and recalibrate to find new ways.