"Europe is the vassal of the US which it is not." Yes, it is.
The list of publications explaining various dimensions of it is extremely long*. Yet few Americans bother reading any. They prefer to remain in their confirmation bias bubble.
They take their global power position for granted and rather not question how it is created and maintained too much. They prefer to keep feeling good about themselves. Yet, thankfully, there are some seasoned and very well-informed US journalists critical of it. https://scheerpost.com/
*one example > https://scholarship.law.columbia.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3545&context=faculty_scholarship
Might also want to watch the documentary The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire and try and understand the role of all the US Wall street companies (JPMorgan, Goldman, etc) and the geopolitics consequences. (On Netflix now, here at least)