“economic growth: noun, an increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.”
Growth is a mathematical expression and is by definition independent of any economical system. One can calculate the economical growth of North Korea, which I would not consider by any measure “capitalistic”.
That is why I object to the conclusion you attached to it. Growth CAN BE unlimited. Per definition.
Admitting you are wrong on this point would be gracious. So we can get this very sticky dogma well out of our way. It’s blocking the view…we need to move on …to how to actually reach a Growing Green Economy.
True cost pricing woul be a very good start. As would commiting to the principles stated at https://www.ecogood.org
I’d love to see Biden and Harris sign up here. I have and I bet they won’t….so then at least you know where these two do NOT stand for. Then do your own math before you vote..