Do you really believe that? Even if everybody knows, do you think that it will magically change anything?
Even though all the evil and lies committed are widely known, the US citizens let Bush and Cheney get away with the destruction of an entire civilization. Resulting in the deaths of a million Iraqui and despair in those still left alive. Super enabler Blair even got knighted.
In any rational society, all three (and many more) all would have been prosecuted for crimes against humanity. All behind bars, put away for a very long time. None were, wasn't even tried. So forget the ICC. This runs much deeper than rationality. I too am looking for the puzzle pieces that can give me a better picture of the whole. So far key I've found:
1. anthropologist Joseph Henrich. "Humans evolved to transmit culture with high fidelity. And one of the biggest threats to transmitting culture with high fidelity was Reason. [...] Historically Reason has been the villain of the human narrative [..] so evolution removed those genes from the population and successful cultures stigmatized them enough to give people an internalized fear of even trying.”
2 That fits in tightly with what Prof. T. W. Murphy points out that only 10% of humanity consists of logical abstract thinkers (MeyerBriggs NT profiles). The rest, the vast majority (the ST-SF gene pool) are primarily sentients (thus extremely short-term-minded -seeing & feeling-is-beliving) beings.
In short human society is little more than, and reacts exactly like, any tribal primate specie.
"In chimpanzee society, the 'dominant male' does not always have to be the largest or strongest male, but rather the most manipulative and political male which can influence the goings on within a group. Male chimpanzees typically attain dominance by cultivating allies who will provide support for that individual in case of future ambitions for power. By means, these allies hope to increase their own social status.[..]. It is often the females who choose the alpha male. For a male chimpanzee to win alpha status, he must gain acceptance from the females in the community. Females have to make sure their group is going to places that supply them with enough food." All show submissive (conformism) behaviour towards dominance.
Uncanningly basic: boils down to power mechanisms + the promise of plentifulness. Talking doesn't help, never will. You must start thinking like an ape: power & promise.