Do you realize that the first part of your article (until Plutocracy’s Equations and Graphs: The R Side of r>g, - and should continue until at least the Dotcom and 2008 crash) is a viable draft for a very much needed (and surprisingly hopeful) book.?
The Darwinistic Cycles of US Democracy.
Young people need books like these to show them ways how to turn the cycles. That today's outcomes are not inevitable for their tomorrow's.
I'm quite sure that various intellectuals will support the writing of this book on both sides of the divide (from Naomi Klein to Ray Dalio, etc) because they (ought to) know that it's this very act of endless (real) re-balancing that keeps the US democracy upright (in dynamic delicate equilibrium). This is not stated enough publically.
Why not get some endorsements and try the publishers?