Cool to see decades of moral imprinting coming to fruition. Flims, print and media all echo variations of the same narrative "We are the good guys fighting off evil".
Reminds me of a joke. A Russian is in a plane heading to the States. The American in the seat next to him asks him the purpose of his visit. The Russian answers, "To study censorship", to which the American replies, "What censorship?".
Fortunately, not all are ignorant. Your most important next presidential candidate, Cornel West, isn't. Nor are the old-school investigative journalists of
The basis of all rational logical thought leading to informed decision-making is verified information. All the other stuff is called confirmation bias. Manufactured consent, the stuff MSM feeds their readers on. Created and distributed within a tightly controlled information bubble.
That is what the whole Truman Show is about. Intelligent criticism of the US system, able to bypass the Holywood corporate censors. Just like in Tarkovsky's films. Yet perhaps too intelligent to be noticed by many.