But you have missed one important point... capitalists simply wouldn't exist in society if they didn't perform a crucial service for it: the effective concentration of high amounts of societal resources.
That simple sentence packs a big punch. It shows that we as a masses are simply unable to effectively perform that service.
Why, because we lack an intelligent system of societal governance to allocate resources to their maximum benefit to society. So no wonder we give capitalist the reigns because we know we need them big time. But we just don't want to see that it is we ourselves that are the cause of their very existence. The last time that I can recall that society effectively stepped up was under the great duress of WWII. Our serious investment in and commitment to the Manhattan Project.
Change the system change the outcome, but you must know first what you need to change. Get rid of democracy by seriously upgrading our governance to Systemic Consensus and perhaps then chose to change our value base to an Economy for the Common Good. We will be playing a whole different ball game then.
That is if we really want to. Most of us don't. We are simply too complacent as the urgency to change is not great enough to be felt and create agency.