but please let's be honest. How much of human activity actually falls in this category? Remember ELIZA :)
In his book The Secret Of Our Success, anthropologist Joseph Henrich states that humans evolved to transmit culture with high fidelity and one of the biggest threats to it is Reason. So evolution removed those genes from the population. Which is confirmed by Prof. T. W. Murphy. Only 10% of humanity consists of logical abstract thinkers (MyerBriggs NT profiles). The rest, the vast majority (the ST-SF gene pool) are primarily sentients (thus extremely short-term-minded -seeing & feeling-is-beliving) beings.
In short human society is little more than, and reacts exactly like, any tribal primate species. From our cousins we learn the following: its basically run on petty power manipulations and on the promise of plentifulness. Very little rationality nor reason to be seen there. Just open any newspaper, and you'll see the exact same here.
So any semblance of intelligence 24/7/365 is enough to grossly outperform the vast majority of humanity:)