"but in the topsy-turvy world of the hard-of-thinking left, it is seen as proving the opposite. " what do you mean by that?
As for harder, I'm a huge fan of Hannah Arendt's principle of the banality of evil. The killing of over 6000 innocent children, and more in the Israeli planning, can never ever be justified. Never. Anyone who does and all the cogs that are part of the system that helped the killing machine function is guilty of crimes against humanity. That's our lesson learnt from the atrocities of WW II. Nie wieder.
As for disqualifying the BRIC's reaction, well, do that at your own peril as their message and actions are clear. It reminds me a lot of the beginnings of the global anti-apartheid movement which ended the evil regime in South Africa.
And this is the article I was looking for > https://scheerpost.com/2023/12/04/chris-hedges-report-the-war-on-palestine-has-gone-on-for-over-100-years/
Ps do enjoy the Isrealim trailer & join a screening! > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bondvm3hvGM&t=6s