But also in the West a few smart people are using the time still available wisely. Like Perrine et Charles Hervé-Gruyer. I have just bought their book “Vivre avec la Terre”.* It's brilliant and integral. Charles even goes back to the pre-industial era to look at patents for effective mechanical hand and animal driven devices and tools.
In a sense, it's Back to the Future. Back to approximately the 1870s'. The main issue is land carrying capacity. For the Netherlands, where I'm from, it means, I roughly estimate, regressing back to 4-5mln. inhabitants instead of the idiotic 20mln. we are currently heading for.
Politicians don't hold long term visions and I certainly don't intend to just wait and see what will happen to the excess 15mln people. As it might be me. It's why I am preparing to emigrate and try to get hold of a French pasport (before the borders close). I've already bought 4ha of good farmland in the wet and colder Normandy region. The rest I suppose will simply have to emigrate to Russia to survive. How human history just loves irony...