As the saying goes, change the world by changing yourself. So that means implementing them in our daily lives.
I'm finding it great fun to do as it makes my life more interesting every day I dig deeper. At times I wish I had ten lives in parallel. For 20 years I came across sociocracy and never looked back at majority rule again. Then three years ago I saw systemic consensus in action. Pure brilliance. I built my zero energy (bio-based) home and we are investing in Aptera and Kitemill. So energy is one domain can check off my to-do list.
Sadly after 15 years, I had to turn my back on the education system. Too big to change. Ivan Illich, Ken Robinson and many others are right of course. But gave up on that for now. Never bothered with Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, stopped using LinkedIn, life is too short, ...refuse to use Airbnb, Uber, MacDonalds, Booking, etc and boycott Amazon whenever I can. Currently, my interest in food security led me to the rich world of nutrients. Understanding how they get into food but not into your supermarket. So I'm now facing a personal challenge of how I'm going to get them into my daily life...