Any Western European who does the rational resource and land-carrying-capacity math and takes into account the new climate change rationale automatically comes to the lucid conclusion they should immigrate to Russia. That is if they want their families to have any chance of having a decent future.
That mass immigration to Russia has not yet started is because only roughly 10% of the population are rational thinkers, the rest are sentients. They operate on the basis of instincts and emotional programming.
Change avers, they will only come into action when they start facing mass starvation and resulting civil turbulance. NL, the tiny country where I'm from, can carry 4-5mln but is now heading for 20mln...Most of Portugal, Spain parts of Italy and Greece and even France, etc, will become too dry to live off. Etc.
So when you write Russia is dying, I can't help but think that you are missing an important part of the bigger European picture. Our future lies in Eurasia whether we like it or not.