and while we are at it, we may as well burn all art, books, science and music. And oh yes, let’s please not forget film too. especially old celluloids like Truffaut's Fahrenheit 451. As indeed my article is about human progress, using our best knowledge to reach the next 10.000 years mile stone.
Wiping the entire slate clean and rebooting at minus anno 10.000 is certainly a solution, one the Taliban are currently seeing if it works. The other, as I'm suggesting here, is to evolve by creating a far more effective epistemology. Redefining human development to:
“our ability to create and maintain high levels of future uncertainty”.
The bigger the uncertainty we can maintain today of what is to become tomorrow, the better. If you use reason and apply logic you'll quickly see that it too will get the job done, but indeed will lead to quite a different kind of life. One in which we still create and cherish culture and practice science. Lots of it. We have very different roads to chose from.