and the big winner of the Ukraine war is.....the US.
By design. Just read the RAND 2019 report. Written 2 years before the 2022 Russian invasion of Dombas. The US was quite shamelessly clear in what they wanted and how they were going to get it. They have followed this script to the letter... Selling thier LNG now at a 40% higher price than Russia got for their gas (and blow up the Nord stream pipelines just to be extra sure the money keeps comming their way)
Germany's only mistake is to trust NATO. They should have learnt from the famous general De Gaulle: have your own energy, have your own nukes, never trust the Americans and trade within Europe.
It's high time the Europeans start believing in their own continent "from the Atlantic to the Urals", "from Lisbon to Vladivostok". Time to take back controle of our future.