Ah, so you are asking me why I think Europe should leave NATO.
1. the most logical is that Europe lies in...well...eh..in Europe. So thermodynamical logic (post-peak oil), not politics, dictates we will have to get our resources (food, minerals, energy) as close to home as possible. Or face misery in the future.
2. culture....Russia, Belarus and Ukraine have always been an important part of European culture. I've lived through one cold war, and that's enough. I want my children to be able to visit and enjoy St Peterburg and travel on the trans-Siberian express. Just as I want their kids to be able to come here. Cultural exchange is one of the aspects that makes life worth living and enriching.
3. The EU-internal single market project was given the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 for a very good reason. War-torn Europe had learned the very hard way that prosperity is achieved by enhancing trade, not sending missiles. Mrs Merkel knows this, Gorbachev knew this, even Macron. And to be fair, Putin also, who here is quoting Gorbachev, who himself was quoting the French General De Gaulle.
(This De Gaulle btw always deeply distrusted the Americans and kept France out of NATO)
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could one day relocate the EU chair to Kyiv, right in the heart of Europe?
4. The more weapons that are brought into Europe the more destruction they will bring. Just imagine that Putin gave the Mexicans $45billion of high-tech armament to reclaim Texas, Arizona, Nevada and California. All states that were once theirs. https://hiplatina.com/10-states-in-the-u-s-that-were-once-a-part-of-mexico/. Because that is exactly what the US is doing today in Europe. As the history of who ruled what parts of Ukraine and when is long and very complicated. Therefore drawing lines in history is always arbitrary to push agendas.
5. So focus number one should be how to reach a peace settlement. Also to end this idiotic risk of nuclear war. The Russians hate the American presence at their borders, so let's start by taking the first easy hurdle away, exit NATO, and work towards peace and mutual prosperity from there.