A haughty spirit goes before the fall. And I'm not referring to Putin but to the US and your article.
You are fighting yesterday's war and still believing in victory. It's over.
US imperialism has completely overplayed her hand by weaponising the dollar banking system so blatantly for the whole world to see. They also see that the US is willing to sacrifice her own allies by sending us here in Europe and especially the poor Ukrainians, into a consciously and deliberately orchestrated war and economic recession. And even able to get rich over our misery by selling LNG at almost 3x the going rate, pumping in billions worth of weapons instead of bringing peace and prosperity and soon the extortion of natural minerals in Ukraine and capitalisation of her society (for the Blackrocks and co) as pay-back. And we all know the US sanctioned the bombing of the Gasprom pipelines.
The emperor has no clothes on any longer. The arrogance of naked evil.
So in time the damaged Europeans will turn their backs on the US and start looking eastwards. The Chinese, Russian, German and French vision of Eurasia will finally take hold.
Perhaps the rather gullible US citizens too will one day wake up and realise how badly they have been systematically duped and lied to by their own elites for decades. If you believe your elites are benign... well watch the Netflix documentary The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire and think again.
Start thinking hard and start to see what the rest of the world already sees, even some Americans (on https://scheerpost.com/): Hello Multipolar World.