30 years later Huxley made some other predictions > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPkQ57cXrPA
It would be interesting to interpolate today's technology to see how near we are to Huxley's premonition. My guess: firmly on the road.
Recently I've been enjoying the peaceful and highly effective manner in which radical censorship of our Western media has become fully operational. Be it the Covid 19 news or the Ukraine war, pretty much the same mechanisms are effectively churning away. The news feeds have primarily been met, in the majority, by full acceptance or at most the complacency of resignation. The tiny pockets of resistance left met have indeed been effectively managed into near-perfect societal insulation. The islands so to speak, metaphorically of course as they are hidden in plain sight. Sheer brilliance.
The cognitive sciences have indeed made huge leaps since the cold war. Only some fine-tuning left to be achieved in the biosciences, personal sensors (under the guise of health care) and AI predictive capacities and we have passed the gates of Nirvana.
In which the Coggs then can slowly and gently phase themselves out whilst enjoying their care & child-free worlds of Netflix & Chills, once their mechanical replacements are fully functional. Which for most cases ought to be achieved within three or at most four generations.